Windows of time slots instead of exact times
Dana Linnell
Sometimes when creating meeting polls I end up with 100+ options which is hard for individuals to navigate when really they just need to also indicate their window of availability. So if I offer 8am-5pm on one day then I could just highlight the entire period and others could indicate they are only available, say, between 10am-2pm.
Johnny Lin
Just wanted to bump this idea! It's rare, especially when I'm in a bigger group trying to schedule with more than 3 people. A feature like this would help a lot!
Derrick Reimer
Merged in a post:
Have something similar to a When2Meet vs a list of times to select from
Johnny Lin
This is essentially what I've been repeatedly suggesting for the past couple of years. This is almost perfectly implemented in, a free tool that I prefer for group meetings for this very reason. Here are some YouTube videos that show how it works:
* Organizer's perspective:
* Invitee's perspective:
I would love for SavvyCal to build in such functionality.